
Travel Xian: Zaozhuang Shaimi Ancient Town

Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province, from the relevant department, found in Tai'erzhuang Nigouzhen cultural sites within the four thousand years ago - "sun-meter Castle Ruins," was recently officially declared as a national key cultural relics protection units.
It is understood that "drying rice Castle Ruins" is located in Zaozhuang City, Tai'erzhuang Nigouzhen Horse Village. According to the "historic test xian tours Yicheng County," records, "sun-meter city, sun blues club in the county ten miles southeast of the second city contrary, in the interval of one, seems a city due to road and points." Eastern site is a blockage has been The ancient river, close to the western station road dates around a Hirano.
According to reports, the sun city ruins of a rice-based upland, the original area of ​​considerable, due to annual soil erosion, ancient village all year round with earth, sun city has been razed to the ground wheat, rice drying alone survived the city today, but the area is reduced a lot. Remnants of the sun from east to west city meters 90 meters 80 meters wide north-south, with a total area of ​​7200 square meters. Provincial cultural relics departments to investigate and found this site, can be observed from the cliff ruins and cultural accumulation of thick, about 5 meters high. Content of the site off-rich soil, the top about 2 meters thick accumulation of culture, from top to bottom, containing remains of the Han weeks, samples collected from observation, can see the shape there are pottery, beans, Slate, Ge, etc. In addition, copper Zu Zhou also collected other. Middle of the Shang culture accumulation to a thickness of 1.5 m, excavated specimens can be seen that the shape has Ge, film cans and other debris, and mussels. Longshan culture, the lower accumulation to a thickness of 1.5 m from the specimen to see if the shell unearthed pottery cup, Gui, pots, cans and other debris, and a face rival powers.
According to the archaeological xian travel department, the city identified as a sun-meter Neolithic Longshan culture site, 4000 years of history. From the Longshan culture to the Han dynasty, lasted about two thousand years, is a more important prehistoric sites with high historical value and scientific value. On the "sun-meter city," the origin of the legend, in AD 464 that Emperor Wu of the Northern Wei Xiao Yan led his army fighting in the military, from the home of a large number of rations collected Lanling County, along the River Heights Mao Front shipping support, only the way the boat to turn in distress grain dumping. Non-commissioned officer who will Liangdai salvage, the food is bound to spread in the West Coast of the two city-based platform to dry, dry wheat Xicheng Taiwan, East Taiwan drying rice. Liang Xiao Yan was founded after the second world attention to Taiwan Sui Wei, word of mouth, known as the "King of Liang sun blues station" "The King of Liang City, Taiwan drying rice", referred to as "sun blues" and "sun-meter city."
In 2005 this site has been approved by Shandong Provincial Government, the provincial key cultural relics protection units, is now officially declared as the national key cultural relics protection units.For more information, please shift to Discount China Tours

