
Shanghai Tour: Yibin Tour

Yibin is located in Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou and the junction of the terrain within the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau gradually from southwest to northeast Sichuan Basin transition, a subtropical monsoon climate, annual average temperature due to altitude changes are different. More concentrated rainfall in the summer, with occasional heavy rain, hail and other natural disasters. Therefore the best time shanghai tours to travel here in spring and summer and summer is best to turn that from May to September each year. Yibin city has more than ten Miao Autonomous Township, where many Hmong to retain the unique customs, such as Yibin unique "Tony Day" (white seedlings first day to three days), while the same at this time there Miao characteristics " Huashan jump ", according to visitors and love of their own choice of travel time.

A beautiful green bamboo forest, 60,000 acres of bamboo forest in which King King connected, fun racing. Xianyu serene Buddha cave, on the outside but it is Green Wave roll; lotus valley trail winds through valleys and secluded, even with the turbulence of the mind into the world, it was quiet enough at the moment; Tempo stand cliffs of the Walled on the ground for the refusal of the soldier-bandits, easily shanghai travel defensible; lonely rainbow table supergraphic, gorgeous. Bo, China's ancient minority living in southern Sichuan, Yibin term of the present territory of the Ming Dynasty was destroyed by the Ming army, thus, the nation will disappear in the course of history, and they remain in the territory remains Yibin people become explore the "Bo culture" the only information scattered in the cliffs on the Bo Gong County man Cliff, Bo who rock in the open valleys Youyan the tragic destiny of the nation. For more information, please shift to Discount China Tours

