
Tour Shanghai: Xidi Village Tour

Since last year, the world's cultural heritage - Yixian County Xidi take full advantage of the unique ancient town houses tourism resources in the "protection first, fair use" principle, development of innovative tourism ideas to further promote cultural heritage tourism for shanghai tours sustainable development .
     Innovation and heritage protection mode. The town to further improve and develop the "government-led, linkage, association with, the people involved, management education with" the success of protected mode to increase the adjustment of the surrounding mountain forest species and ecological protection, and achieve sustainable development Xidi travel health.
     Innovative mechanism for tourism enterprises. Xidi travel companies to accelerate reform and strengthening of attractions guides management, talent management, the establishment of tourism training system to improve the quality of tourism employees, while bringing in tourism professionals, the introduction of advanced modern enterprise management system, to accelerate institutional innovation.
     Innovative tourism development shanghai travel concept. Fully integrated within the limits of the town relics, ancient architecture, ecology, culture, agriculture, forestry and other resource characteristics, relying on ancient village Xidi paradise of the world cultural heritage and brand to "appreciate the ancient Ming and Qing Dynasty houses", "ascertain the ancient Huizhou culture." "experience the Ming and Qing people live," "bubble of pure natural oxygen bar", "eating rice farmers, live in farm houses, farm live dry, pick fruit farm, doing farm things" as the theme, and vigorously develop the rural tourism product design marketable to improve market competitiveness and help farmers increase production.
     Innovative tourism marketing. Well-prepared comprehensive Xidi promote an album, planning can-known slogan to increase with the news media, hotels, travel links, identify the different consumer groups market positioning and promotion strategies for different consumer groups launched different quality of rural tourism products and tourist routes.For more information, please shift to Discount China Tours

