
Lakes Wetland Tour in Jiangsu

Go to Phoenix Park to see the flowers! July 20, Liyang City, the first week of exhibition lotus filled lake in the Netherlands opened the city's Phoenix Park, attracting a large number of public goods charge to come to enjoy lotus. Longevity of white jade white peach, fresh and elegant pink lotus, lotus elegant one thousand pots of flowers to put competing competition, graceful shape. Every summer, the lotus pond Liyang Phoenix Park will attract large number of people come to Shanghe, this year the huge lotus pond from Yangzhou and other places with the introduction of nearly a thousand lotus flowers colored cylinder, the size and the effect is extraordinary. It is understood that in this nearly-cylinder lian, 150 varieties of lotus species, late lotus, water lily 57 kinds.

The face of beauty, many photographers have come up with camera and DV, intake masterpiece Belle. They also said the people, and finally experience the Mystics's lines, "then endless days of lotus Bi, Ying-day different kind of red lotus," the mood. Recently, the first China (Sihong) Eco-Tourism Festival Organizing Committee and Hongze Sihong Photographic Society jointly organized the "Great Lakes Wetlands Aqua Sihong" landscape photography exhibition at the official launch of the square in front Sihong county. Sihong County Committee, Publicity Minister Xie Suzhen, county people's congress deputy party secretary, county Photographic Association Xuhong Ning, Sihong Hongze Lake Wetland Nature Reserve Management Office Deputy Director, County Environmental Protection Bureau, Ma Xiangdong, attended the ceremony.

Launching ceremony, Sihong County Committee, Publicity Minister Xie Suzhen, Sihong water vast land vast, green area of ​​many wetlands unique scenery, excellent ecological environment, is that people return to nature, self-cultivation, leisure and living the perfect place. The exhibition will be held, the intention is that the carrier and photographic forms, Sihong wetlands to show the beautiful scenery, to speed up Sihong contribute to the development of tourism.For more information, please shift to Discount China Tours

