
Shanghai Tours: China Universities Tour

Weiming Lake, Bo Wild Goose Pagoda, SMTH, Tsinghua University and Peking University auditorium. As the leading institution of higher learning is a lot of hopeful students and parents want to go. Reporters learned yesterday from the tourism market in Hefei, the college entrance shanghai tours examination was over, the elite swim quietly popular. However, due to visa reasons, some exit elite travel registration has been closed.

Reporters visited yesterday found in the domestic travel in the elite Peking University, Tsinghua University, the hottest. Travel has launched a variety of prestigious travel routes, the price from 2,000 yuan to 3,000 per month. It is understood that this summer, open daily from Tsinghua University 8:30 - 16:30. In case of important events on campus, closed visits, group visits to be 3 to 15 days in advance shanghai travel online booking. The Peking University also provides campus visit by appointment, to fill out the "Peking University Application Form for booking group visit the campus." "This year, we launched the 'I went to Beijing to college' and parent-child study tours, the current enrollment is more popular." Anhui Global CITS official told reporters, "I went to Beijing University on the" offer for 2480 yuan / person, 2680 yuan / person range; "Beijing study tours" offer for 1598 yuan for adults / people. "Despite the elite than the average tour Beijing tour, offer much higher, but the 'elite travel' still sought-after than the average group."For more information, please shift to Discount China Tours

