
Xian, a metropolis with deep culture

Guangxiao should be regarded as the largest temple in the city of Guangzhou, and incense is also very strong. In order to meet a Buddhist monk from Taiwan, the door is being renovated, and some regret. Free Life is very creative, very next to a wall preach the benefits of releasing the top ten, it is intriguing. xian tours Interestingly, there are a lot of pool being released red-eared turtle, it seems no small merit, benefactors, but also saved so many exotic creatures. I happened to catch up with the temple, there is a large release events are to take part in many lay, of which there are many specially came from Hong Kong's. On the ground put a lot of cardboard boxes, had just bought the frogs from the hotel, blackfish, and the scene can be spectacular.

Guangzhou impression is not easy to say, because it is difficult to categorize. City of fashion? xian travel No, it has a deep background. Business are? No, it is very cultural. It pioneers not loud, it is beautiful, practical, kind generous, but boiling. It is nothing, and everything. I can only say from one side, and that is not sleeping in Guangzhou, 24 hours without sleep. Guangzhou already hundreds of years ago do not sleep. Simple reason --- the ancient port of Guangzhou as the East: a foreign merchant in the ancient port stretches for miles Whampoa long lines, eager to unload the ivory horn berthing spices, silk, ceramic tea equipment, often working around the clock; Long Beach, West Thirteen contiguous relations Trading firm is booming, can not help burning the midnight oil bargaining; WA area (now Hoi Chu Road) feasting every night no less Jinling Qinhuai complains, Chinese and foreign merchants Gongchoujiaocuo, Evening easily before, but also what is sleep sleep? It is said that time is very brilliant, Guangzhou, ranking fourth of the world, really, do not sleep during the day and justified, are justified not sleep at night --- xian tours the ages, Fan Hua Dayi not all that never sleeps it? Said smoke back, Why not look now, Guangzhou has to sleep?xian tours, For more information, please click to http://onlinechinatours33.blogspot.com/

