
Travel to Shanghai Fengting Town

Feng Jing Town into the city in the Song, Yuan was built in the town, is an existing 1500 years of history, civilization, ancient town, across Yue circles. Feng Jing Town, a typical market town south of Yangtze River, surrounded by water network throughout the region the river aspect, known shanghai tours as "three steps and two bridges, one look ten Hong Kong," said the town more than a small dike, the shape of the leaves; within the forest shade shade , farmhouse in rows, clean rapids, and planted flowers, elegant and beautiful, so called "breeze Jing", "Fengxi", alias "Hibiscus Town."

Into three four-poster of "Feng Jing" stone arch, surrounded by the old town along the river and the city forked river, worn into the "East Gate" Shihfang, down a stone and a brick streets along the river, a stone bridge across one another, large tracts of ancient buildings up to five miles along the Street start to shanghai travel shop. Every morning, the river's tea on the tea Qiaotu drift, four fishing village's waterfront tower through Jiahe, stone Hebu, concentrated in the front row as long Linhe Langpeng fish market, the river water waves, as folk rap "January February snail clam, turtle fat peach March ......", For more information, please shift to Discount China Tours

