
Xian Bathing Resort: Bishuiwan

Bishuiwan sun bathing in the hot spring resort Tangyu, is the Northwest's largest open-air hot spring spa, covers an area of ​​about 40,000 square meters. Tangyu Hot Springs has a long history began in the Han Dynasty, prosperous in the Tang Dynasty, is the history of the Royal bathing place, bathing in the palace between the Tang Dynasty, "Hing Tang Court." Tang Yu Wen Quanyu water clarity, water quality mild, water temperature up to 65 degrees Celsius, is rich in silicon, potassium, calcium, sodium, fluorine, chlorine, bromine and xian tours other 20 kinds of minerals and trace radioactive elements, has a good medical value, to skin care beauty , health care cured the effect of disease, known as "peach water," "merit water", "Shen Shui," said. Magnificent beach, a total of more than one hundred different patterns Tangchi distributed in Shanlin Jian, River. This quiet and elegant environment, is the city's first choice for leisure. Bathing, Mountain View, listen to the same water ... and birds in the sky, and the fish enjoy Tangyuhe landscape of moisture. Thus, leaving a "peach March spring water, spring return intoxicating I do not know" in the world.Liu Bao Quan Waterfall hot spring。

Waterfalls spa, splashes a road spray, step by step through the cobblestone steps, into a spa pool, spa pool is inside and outside layers, the outer layer is a warm pool, the inner layer is a cold waterfall pool. Waterfall poured down rain the water column, some small, hit the body, just like xian travel hammer touch, different severity of your choice, it is comfortable for you to wash away the mundane world of unholy, to give you a good relaxed mood, good red color., For more information, please shift to Discount China Tours

