
China Travel Tours: China Love Tour

2011 is the "new Angel Will match" to create the tenth anniversary of the official tourism brand, Xinchang, Tiantai, Xianju, waterfront four places Tourism cooperation with Tencent, "new Angel Will match" a long romantic tour events, the majority of users invited to participate in micro-Bo interaction, enhance the "new Angel Will match" trip online visibility.

Goddess Marriage is a well-known Chinese folk love story, a decade ago, Xinchang, Tiantai, Xianju, four counties of coastal tourism authorities to engage in regional cooperation, with the "Goddess Marriage" and take the counties (cities) a common word design introduced the "new Goddess Marriage • Wall testimony" tourist routes of regional cooperation. Now, after nearly a decade of publicity, the operation of the line has become a tourist industry well-known brand line, Zhejiang Province, regional cooperation in high-quality tourist routes, famous north and south, known as China's golden tourist line, a new model for regional cooperation in tourism.

The event is the "New Angel Will match" tourism brand tenth anniversary special events, through the official website Tencent Dancer notice, invite friends concerned about the "new Goddess Marriage golden tourist line," the official micro-Bo, in "micro-tour of the new angel of Zhejiang with "interactive topics, open call for nine pairs of husband and wife, about the love story, upload photo. Activities, once launched, they were warmly welcomed by many users, there are 670 million people to participate in the discussion of this topic, microblogging popularity is booming.

It is understood that, after nearly two weeks of careful screening, nine pairs of husband and wife have been short-listed produce, they will be mid-August, was invited to the big temple area Xinchang "adopt concentric tree" on the roof of Dan Liangfei waterfall before the "Magpie Bridge meet" in the Wing Xianju river rafting, "solidarity" in the sea to the "Great Wall testified," witness eternal love and enjoy three days and two nights of free romantic trip.For more information, please shift to Discount China Tours

