
China Travel Tours: Hainan Tour from Shenyang

Impact of tax policy by the Islands, more than three months of this season's Hainan in prices have been high. Recently, the reporter learned from Chen Cheng, a number of travel agencies, Hainan is about to resume room temperature, in late August tour of Hainan after another in Shenyang, the tour will be blowing a "price wind."
Each year in July, August are peak holiday seasons, air tickets, hotel supply and demand and other factors led to the tour price has been high. With the end of the summer, the tour price accordingly will have different degrees of decline is expected in late August after the summer travel "fever" will gradually "cool", Hainan, in the direction of decline of about 5% -15%.
A Shenyang travel agency official said the domestic routes, according to past experience, to late August, early September, the tourism market will slow down the deserted, will perform a period of off-season prices. In Hainan, for example, the basic decline in 200-500 yuan. Such as: starting from the Shenyang "Flying 6-Day Tour of Hainan", this line offer in early August of 3800 yuan, while in mid-August to the lowest price dropped to the end of 3500 yuan. However, by the "October" Golden Week effect, the offer is expected in September rose again to 3800-4000 yuan.
Travelers said that because every day because of travel routes will offer flights, hotels price changes fluctuate, so the travel plans of people with concerns related to the line should always offer to find cost-effective time to travel.For more information, please shift to Discount China Tours


Xian Tours: Strait Tour Fair

Before concluding this travel expo Fair sixth trip based on the experience, the times, bold and innovative, showing the five main highlights:
First, more diverse composition of guests. Fair this trip around the "Straits tourism cooperation and win-win" explicit theme of the exhibition on behalf of more diverse, ranging from the Strait to four places, and extended to ASEAN, the International Friends of the City, East Asia, participating guests from the tourism business representatives to the tourism industry representatives. Especially with the individual mainland residents to tour start, Taiwan tourism exhibitors motivated, strong will. Taipei, Taichung, Tainan and so on, and the Taiwan region's tourism industry aviation, media, tourism, education, agriculture, recreation associations, Spa Association, Food Association and other guests attend the meeting, to further promote the travel expo as four places of tourist exchanges , a large platform for cooperation.

Second, more innovative exhibition format. Ecological leisure, health spa, cultural experience, the integration of new formats and industry focus of the project this year, which significantly increased large-scale integrated tourism projects, over $ 1 billion investment project to 16, the largest investment projects amounted to $ 6.5 billion. Travel Fair has set up this spa museum professionals, to promote our province, "hot spring" characteristics of leisure travel brands. Meanwhile, to promote the new form of tourism development, tourism new trend of setting up a special exhibition, museum and the smart tourist will invite Ctrip and other famous tourist sites and the world's leading cruise companies took part.For more information, please shift to Discount China Tours


Shanghai Tours: Experiencing Tianjin

Yesterday, sponsored by the Tianjin Tourism Group, Tianjin Tourism Bureau, Tianjin Commission of Commerce support "into Tianjin, charm, experience Tianjin travel 100 days activities" in peace Road Commercial Street opened. Ren Xuefeng, vice mayor of Tianjin participate in activities, and look at Tianjin summer tourism market, tourism system condolences cadres and workers.

"About Tianjin, charm, experience Tianjin travel 100 days activities" for the first time in Tianjin tour group tourism brand integration of resources, through resource linkage, web promotion, corporate blog, media promotion, the brand inspired, directed packing, the theme for tourism activities, etc. product launches. Activities to meet the tourists multi-faceted, multi-level consumer demand for the purpose of travel, eight to 10 month period, continue to 100 days to carry out tourism activities, every month, every ten visitors will have a variety of products show a variety of marketing activities , so that the tourists what they want, constantly surprises. Cruise home port of Tianjin, the first departure of the international top flight charter packages cruise company Royal Caribbean "Legend of the Seas" in Japanese and Korean tourism, Haihe River Cruise "Mid-Autumn Festival Night" theme music, Tianjin Tour "exhibition tour helicopter "and" Golden week "11 romantic wedding honeymoon Greek group, the food street" cool autumn fruit food street "Merchants Festival, Jun Long commercial Street international Beer Festival and Summer drink to experience the Ferrari cars, Sheraton hotel, products Kam Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs food festival, the climax of the whole event will continue, many people in the experience, enjoy a romantic trip expressed interest.For more information, please shift to Discount China Tours


Shanghai Tours to Wuhu

Wuhu travel tourism new government net financial and tourism information network as a whole, with the Chief of the window, travel information, Fun Wuhu, Forum Posts and other four pages, each section but also by a number of sub-columns. Separate speech, conference tourism, travel expo, travel memorabilia, private collections, the six columns in tourism theme, A-level scenic spots, star hotels, travel agents report, work on five test tour guide.

The revised Wuhu travel site showing four bright spots. First, an increase of "travel book" and "wonderful video broadcasting," the pages, the "Wuhu tourism" and "charm Wuhu" electronic version and the "image of Wuhu City promo" and "2010 Mid-Autumn evening poetry Wuhu" video version on the home page for users to browse, and expansion of the space tourism promotion Wuhu. Second, developed a new "Media Focus" column, the depth of the media coverage of travel news to Wuhu Wuhu travel online, increase the site's depth, extending their influence. Third, the new "Forum essence" section. The forum set the mood travel, travel Raiders, flavor characteristics, global style, cultural Inn, photography, maps and other six columns to enhance the interaction with users, to improve the popularity of travel Wuhu, Wuhu and establish a good image of the tourism industry. Fourth, the prominent features of e-government, opened a tour guide IC card information query, the system of tourism statistics, travel agency management system, area management systems, industry, financial information systems and other online office functions.For more information, please shift to Discount China Tours


China Travel Tours: China Love Tour

2011 is the "new Angel Will match" to create the tenth anniversary of the official tourism brand, Xinchang, Tiantai, Xianju, waterfront four places Tourism cooperation with Tencent, "new Angel Will match" a long romantic tour events, the majority of users invited to participate in micro-Bo interaction, enhance the "new Angel Will match" trip online visibility.

Goddess Marriage is a well-known Chinese folk love story, a decade ago, Xinchang, Tiantai, Xianju, four counties of coastal tourism authorities to engage in regional cooperation, with the "Goddess Marriage" and take the counties (cities) a common word design introduced the "new Goddess Marriage • Wall testimony" tourist routes of regional cooperation. Now, after nearly a decade of publicity, the operation of the line has become a tourist industry well-known brand line, Zhejiang Province, regional cooperation in high-quality tourist routes, famous north and south, known as China's golden tourist line, a new model for regional cooperation in tourism.

The event is the "New Angel Will match" tourism brand tenth anniversary special events, through the official website Tencent Dancer notice, invite friends concerned about the "new Goddess Marriage golden tourist line," the official micro-Bo, in "micro-tour of the new angel of Zhejiang with "interactive topics, open call for nine pairs of husband and wife, about the love story, upload photo. Activities, once launched, they were warmly welcomed by many users, there are 670 million people to participate in the discussion of this topic, microblogging popularity is booming.

It is understood that, after nearly two weeks of careful screening, nine pairs of husband and wife have been short-listed produce, they will be mid-August, was invited to the big temple area Xinchang "adopt concentric tree" on the roof of Dan Liangfei waterfall before the "Magpie Bridge meet" in the Wing Xianju river rafting, "solidarity" in the sea to the "Great Wall testified," witness eternal love and enjoy three days and two nights of free romantic trip.For more information, please shift to Discount China Tours


Beijing Travel: Towers Tours

West Tower is located in Temple life extension, Heping District, Shenyang City Road junction with the northwest corner of West Tower Street, close to the bustling Commercial Street West Tower. West Tower West Tower Yanshousi east wall of the east, south city road, west Antu Street, north to Dunhua way, covering a total area of ​​4,000 square meters. Currently, there are four southeast West Tower residential building; east of the Korean tourism business plaza, road badly damaged the surrounding tiles. Antu Street and damaged the road all the way Dunhua. Outer surface of the damaged tower. For the West Tower of the transformation, the authorities first maintenance, glossing over the temple facilities, buildings, and the road to the stone path around the squares, on the surrounding Antu Street, Dunhua all the way north to the asphalt concrete pavement cover was engineering. In addition, the authorities intend to conduct a comprehensive renovation of the surrounding West Tower, so that the land has a qualitative change in the environment.
North Tower: monuments built outside of dormitories

North Tower is located in Shenyang Huanggu Ning Road and east of the North Tower Street junction. Four weeks has been surrounded by new residential areas, but still retains a one place, known as the North Tower Park, open play for nearby residents. Shenyang North Tower is the only retained four towers in the temple's pagoda, now the east side of the Shenyang Institute of Archaeology; south Ningshan East North Tower parks; west of the development of land; north to the North Tower North Lane. North tower is also more serious damage, including the south side of a single type of green vegetation, the landscape is poor.
Huanggu currently being planned by the North Tower Park Urban green space transformation. According to the relevant staff, the transformation in place additional 500 square meters of fitness space, large trees planted 50 trees and other plants, while the west side of the main road in the park, additional Tinglang, and an additional pavilion at the west side of the mountains for human viewing. After transformation of the North Tower Park, large trees and flowering shrubs vegetation levels and color patchwork, as well as water and other landscape, the basic renovation project is expected to be completed in September. In addition to the North Tower Park, north of the north tower is being built outside of dormitories Beilin.
Refer to: Shenyang "Four Towers" Taiji Chi Jian Qing Taizong outside the city of Mukden east, south, west, north four pagodas. According to the temple stone reads: "Mukden Po temple surrounded by the majestic building, each one Buddha Temple, about two Buddha, Buddha eight, four kings, Budo one."For more information, please shift to Discount China Tours


Tour to China Dalian Tiger Beach

In the forest zoo animal trainer tune, light and the pace of the tiger walked gingerly on the Plum rhythmic performances; chimp staged wonderful rings; monkey performing acrobatics on the balance beam, Dalian Forest Zoo yesterday comprehensive animal shows market staged a wonderful animal shows.

It is reported that "11" Golden Week Dalian Forest Zoo launched a new "real-life forest Autumn" theme activities. Especially the introduction of a new comprehensive farm animal show "Animal Skill Competition" program would attract the attention of visitors. Here, visitors can see the star bears the ring master, while in the boxing competition from the parallel bars to practice, although some of the action is slow, but do not have flavor. Monkey on the balance beam after five consecutive backward roll, handstand walking still flexible and comfortable.

In the wild beasts Arena, Golden Week has a new program: Tiger air only solution Plum. King of Beasts tiger trainer training in the next, walked carefully in the light of the pace on Plum rhythmic performances. Lions and tigers diamond ring of fire, one tiger kiss, Hukouduoshi other exciting programs will continue. In order to allow more visitors to enjoy the wonderful performance of seals, birds performing, Thailand "6 +1" elephant performing Thai massage, as the pyramid, penalty competitions and other animal shows five games, Dalian Forest Zoo animals also increased performing the screening. Bottom backyard garden area prepared for tourists friends outdoor thrills of military field (CS real fight). October 4 World Animal Day visitors can participate in a comprehensive animal farm animal show that "ape" Dino's birthday party. Little Life "Planet of the Apes," will showcase the exclusive ability Dino - "Men's Rings", visitors can also share with friends, it's birthday cake.For more information, please shift to Discount China Tours


China Yuanfang Gorge Cruise Tour

The evening of July 29, Huangshan City, tourists Ke Xinhua complained to reporters, "We are a family of three to drift, thought to cause the family fell into the water turned a rubber raft. Due to currents and a large gap, only a rubber raft turned around more." 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Xiuning Yuanfang Grand Canyon tourists turn over in the rapids while rafting in the incident, he was wounded, but no professional rescue scene. Ke Xinhua said, we take a rubber raft drifting. July 29 at 4 pm, they are a family of three drift, because the river is narrow, fast-flowing upper reaches of a few rubber raft washed down, take a rubber raft and they collided, resulting in multiple rubber raft turned over, people fell into the water.

"Fortunately, water is not deep, washed some distance, I will be 6-year-old son saved up." Ke Xinhua said, then he found his wife was rushed more than ten meters, and is pressing rubber raft, he hurried past the his wife to save the shore. He said a man ashore, only wearing uniforms of the security scene. After landing, Ke Xinhua find themselves neck pain, swollen legs and joints, and his wife have virtually scratch injury, thanks to the children all right. Ke Xinhua said, after he and Yuanfang Grand Canyon tourism negotiations, ask the spirit to bear medical expenses and damages. "The river is not only narrow, many rapids water urgent, and the river there are rocks, such as failure to improve management of future similar incidents may occur."

Reporters contacted Xiuning source Fang Fang, deputy general manager of the Grand Canyon tour, she said the incident occurred not in the area, said the Ministry received a rubber raft collided lead visitors fell into the water. Of which two fell into the visitors ashore, the company was made to send them to the hospital, but the other did not accept, but the proposed compensation, the company promised that no high. "Similar things have happened before two days ago as well." Fang admits that there is a narrow river rafting and other factors, but also tourists rafting operation is not required by the provisions of the reason. "Canyon rafting river bend over, but the 3 km long river has more than 20 patrol, cleaning up the river a week, have tried to do security work."For more information, please shift to Discount China Tours